[. . . ] s We recommend using only Siemens Original Accessories to avoid possible damages. All functions of the phone are described in the enclosed detailed user guide. In particular please observe the safety precautions which you will find at the beginning of the guide. Be inspired Issued by Information and Communication mobile Haidenauplatz 1 D-81667 Munich © Siemens AG 2001 All rights reserved. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft www. my-siemens. com User Guide C45 Ref. No. : A31008-H5100-A1-2-7619 *A5B00075001690* Thank you for buying a Siemens mobile phone. [. . . ] g0HQXg Î 'LYHUW 6HW GLYHUW The most common condition for forwarding is: 6SH. LIL. GLYHUW 1RW UHD. KDEOH Divert if the phone is switched off or out of range. 1R UHSO\ A call is only diverted after a short delay (depends on the network). The period can be set by the user to a maximum of 30 seconds in 5 second intervals. ([. HSWLRQ , I &DOO ZDLWLQJ LV D. WLYDWHG S \RX ZLOO KHDU WKH . DOO ZDLWLQJ WRQH S GXULQJ D . DOO 8QDQVZHUHG g0HQXg Î 'LYHUW ( Select 8QDQVZHUHG. g6HOH. Wg Press. 6HW Select. $ Enter the phone number to which a call will be diverted (if not done already) or select the phone number from the Phonebook or from the g0DLOER[g. Confirm with: 5H. HLYLQJ ID[ Fax calls are diverted to a number with a fax connection. g2. g After a short pause, the setting is confirmed by the network. 8QDQVZHUHG 7KLV VHWWLQJ . RYHUV WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW . RQ GLWLRQV VHH DOVR EHORZ 1RW UHD. KDEOH 1R UHSO\ %XV\ 5H. HLYLQJ GDWD Data calls are diverted to a phone number with a PC connection. 'LYHUW 6WDWXV . KH. N You can check the current divert status for all conditions. After a short pause, the current information is transmitted by the network and displayed. 1RWH WKDW WKH GLYHUW LV VWRUHG LQ WKH QHWZRUN DQG QRW LQ WKH SKRQH ZKHQ WKH 6, 0 . DUG LV . KDQJHG IRU H[DPSOH 5HD. WLYDWH GLYHUW 7KH ODVW GLYHUW KDV EHHQ VWRUHG 3UR. HHG DV ZLWK ³6HW 'LYHUW´ 7KH VWRUHG QXPEHU LV GLVSOD\HG &RQILUP WKH QXPEHU (GLW SKRQH QXPEHU 3UR. HHG DV ZLWK ³6HW 'LYHUW´ :KHQ WKH VWRUHG QXPEHU LV GLVSOD\HG g'HOHWHg 'HOHWH WKH SKRQH QXPEHU (QWHU QHZ QXPEHU DQG . RQILUP 6 7 Condition set. Display if status is unknown (on a new SIM card for example). &OHDU DOO All set diversions are cleared. 7R . KH. N RU GHOHWH D . HUWDLQ . RQGLWLRQ )LUVW VHOH. W WKH . RQGLWLRQ g6HOH. Wg 3UHVV &KH. N VWDWXV RU 'HOHWH 6HOH. W *URXS &DOO WR JURXS You can call up to five members of a group or link them together in a conference. Highlight entry/unmark entry. If there are many Phonebook entries it is best to assign them to a group (p. 19): 2IIL. H )DPLO\ /HLVXUH 9, 3 0HQXg Î *HW LQ WRX. K Î *URXS Î select a function: 606 WR JURXS A memo (SMS) can be sent as a circular to all members of a group. ( Select a group. ( Select a group. The group is confirmed and the editor is opened. $ Compose message (p. Proceed with calling the next entry until all highlighted entries are called (up to 5, depending on the service provider). g2SWLRQV Open the menu, e. g. to link the calls on hold in a conference ` %DUEDUD 6NLS &DURO 'LDO" 2SWLRQV &DOO WR JURXS0HQX g2SWLRQV Open menu. 'LDO 'LDO . XUUHQW HQWU\ 5HMH. W 5HMH. W S &RQIHUHQ. H /LQN DOO . DOOV RQ KROG LQ D . RQ IHUHQ. H S 6ZDS $. . HSW WKH ZDLWLQJ . DOO DQG SOD. H WKH . XUUHQW . DOO RQ KROG 2 0L. URSKRQH 6ZLW. K WKH PL. URSKRQH RQ RU RII , I LW LV VZLW. KHG RII WKH RQ SHUVRQ RQ WKH RWKHU HQG RI WKH OLQH . DQQRW KHDU \RX $OWHUQDWLYHO\ +ROG GRZQ +RZHYHU QXPEHUV EHLQJ HQ WHUHG DUH DXGLEOH ZKHQ 6HQG '70) WRQHV LV D. WLYH 9ROXPH $GMXVW KDQGVHW YROXPH 7LPH. KDUJH :KLOH WKH . RQQH. WLRQ . RQWLQ XHV WKH . DOO GXUDWLRQ DQG LI VHW VHH S WKH . DOO WLPH . KDUJHV DUH GLVSOD\HG 6HQG '70) S WRQHV &DOO WUDQVIHU S 0DLQ PHQX 'LUH. W D. . HVV WR WKH PDLQ PHQX &DOO VWDWXV /LVW DOO KHOG DQG D. WLYH . DOOV HJ SDUWL. LSDQWV LQ D . RQIHUHQ. H 0HQXg Î *HW LQ WRX. K Î *URXS *URXS &KDQJH JURXS DVVLJQPHQW Normally a group is assigned to a Phonebook entry when it is entered (p. To change the group assignment or to assign a group later, the following steps are necessary: When the Phonebook is open: *URXS VHWXS g6HOH. Wg Press. The following functions are applied to the group or all entries of a group: ( Select a group. ( Select entry. *URXS 0HQX g2SWLRQV Open menu. 9LHZ PHP EHUV 5HQDPH 'LVSOD\ DOO HQWULHV DVVLJQHG WR WKH VHOH. WHG JURXS &KDQJH WKH . XUUHQW QDPH RI WKH JURXS 5HPRYH HQ 5HPRYH DOO PHPEHUV IURP WKH VHOH. WHG JURXS 7KH HQ WULHV WULHV LQ WKH 3KRQHERRN DUH QRW DIIH. WHG *URXS V\P $VVLJQ D V\PERO WR D JURXS S ERO g9LHZg Press. g(GLWg Press. ( Select Group. g(GLWg Press and select a new group. g6DYHg Confirm assignment. . 3KRQHERRN NH\ 3UHVV [ IRU 2SHQ 3KRQHERRN 3UHVV [ IRU 'LVSOD\ JURXSV 3UHVV [ IRU 'LVSOD\ JURXS HQWULHV 2UJDQLVHU g0HQXg Î *HW LQ WRX. K Î 2UJDQLVHU Î then select a function 'LDU\ Up to 50 appointments can be entered. An alarm sounds even when the phone is switched off (the phone does not switch to standby mode). [. . . ] The SAR limit recommended by The Council of the European Union is 2. 0 W/kg. * Tests for SAR have been conducted using standard operating positions with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to 6$5 LQWHUQDWLRQDO THIS MODEL PHONE MEETS REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES. It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) recommended by international guidelines (ICNIRP). [. . . ]